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美国德州农工大学的Virender K Sharma教授讲座通知

2018年10月12日 08:55  点击:[]

    应实验室邀请,美国德州农工大学的Virender K Sharma教授访问实验室,并为实验室师生做前沿学术报告。请相关方向师生积极准备参加学习。


       报告题目Ferrates:  Emerging Advanced Materials in Energy, Biomedical, Industrial Synthesis, and Environmental Remediation

       报告人:Prof. Virender K Sharma

       时  : 2018年10月15日(周一),10:00-11:00

       地  :北二楼11楼会议室      


       报告摘要:Iron in +6, +5, and +4 oxidation states of iron, called ferrates (FeVIO42-, FeVO43-, and FeIVO44-) are emerging environmental-friendly nanomaterial, which can play role in processes like oxygen generation from water, synthesis of organic molecules with selectivity, and treatment of water and wastewater, which are also sustainable.  The theme of the presentation will be to demonstrate the green nature of ferrate and how the ferrate species can perform a wide range of applications in aqueous solutions.  Examples include “super-iron battery” oxygen evolution, solar light decomposition of contaminants, detoxify emerging micropollutants and toxins, and inactivation of bacteria and viruses).  Research on ferrate redox chemistry is in progress to comprehend electron-transfer and oxygen-transfer mechanisms in order to advance industrial cleaner (“greener”) technology for energy storage, organic syntheses, and oxidative transformation of pollutants. A summary of many uses of ferrates in oxidation of organic compounds of different functionalities will be demonstrated.  Examples of oxidative transformation of emerging contaminants (estrogens, antibiotics, fluoro compounds, and personal care products) will be given.




       报告人介绍:Dr. Virender K. Sharma is currently a Professor at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health (SPH), Texas A&M University.  He is also serving as the Director of the Program of Environment and Sustainability of the SPH.  Dr. Sharma has made seminal contributions in the areas of chemistry and environmental applications of ferrates. Dr. Sharma has also made key contributions in elucidating stabilization and toxicity of natural nanoparticles in an aquatic environment, resulting in an impact on human and ecological health. His research also includes studying environment fate of environmentally persistent free radicals and antibiotics resistant bacteria and genes.  He has published more than 290 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Sharma has also published 54 book chapters, 36 proceedings, and authored/edited 8 books. His distinguish awards include Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Faculty Excellence in Research by Florida Tech, Outstanding Chemist by the American Chemical Society (Orlando Section), Certificate of Merit Award by the Environmental Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society, Excellence in Review by Environmental Science & Technology, and International Fellowship awarded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


上一条:诺贝尔奖获得者Mark D. Levine 教授讲座通知   下一条:加拿大同步辐射光源胡永锋教授讲座通知



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