应实验室国际可再生能源研究中心lionel Vayssieres教授邀请,美国佛罗里达大学化学系纳米材料研究中心W. David Wei教授于7月22日访问实验室并在实验室北二楼大会报告厅举行“Plasmon-Mediated Surface Chemistry for Solar Photocatalysis”的学术报告。中心lionel教授主持报告会。
W. David Wei joined the University of Florida in August 2009 as an assistant professor working in analytical, physical, and materials chemistry with research interests in novel electronic and optical properties of metallic and semiconductor nanomaterials and their applications in solar energy harvesting, conversion and storage; visible-light photocatalysis; and chemical and biological detection. David received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin with Mike White and trained as a postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern University with Chad Mirkin. He has also held a visiting research position at Pacific Northwest National Labs (PNNL). David has more than forty publications, thirty invited talks, and five pending patents, and he is a member of the American Chemical Society and American Vacuum Society. He has been awarded a summer fellowship at PNNL, the 2010 ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, the 2011 Sigma Xi Junior Faculty Research Award, the 2013 UF-HHMI Science for Life Distinguished Mentor Award, and the 2014 UF faculty Adviser/Mentor of the Year Award. Most recently, David has been recognized with a CAREER award from NSF.