报告人:Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi, Professor of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
时间:10:00-11:30 AM(北京时间), 2023年4月24日(周一)
邀请人:敬登伟 教授
(1) 报告题目:
Introduction to Homotopy Analysis Methods for Solving Nonlinear Problems
(2) 报告简介:
Most of engineering and science governing equations are nonlinear, most of them are in partial differential form and they ae coupled together. For solving a highly nonlinear problem by implementing Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM), we do not need a small parameter in the governing equations, in fact with (HAM) we have not the limitations of perturbation methods. On the other hand, HAM can be implemented to BVPs, IVPs and IBVPs. Even boundary layer problems can be easily solved by HAM. There are some new developments of HAM like Optimal Homotopy Analysis Method (OHAM), Spectral Homotopy Analysis Method (SHAM) that could be used for solving Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Magnetohydrodynamics, … problems.
Keywords: HPM; HAM; SHAM; OHAM

(3) 报告人简介:
Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi 教授现为电子科技大学基础与前沿研究院教授。Rashidi 教授长期致力于计算流体力学、传热传质、多相流、热力学的研究,取得了一系列创新性成果,在本领域具有较高国际学术影响。目前已在Nature、Nano Energy等国际知名期刊发表300余篇期刊论文,多次入选高被引学者榜单。