应实验室严俊杰教授,种道彤教授邀请普渡大学Takashi Hibiki 教授访问西安交通大学,并做学术报告,敬请积极参加。
报告人:Hibiki Takashi, Professor of School of Nuclear Engineering,Purdue University.
时间:9:00-11:00 AM, 2019.12.03
报告题目:Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals
报告简介:The two-phase flow thermo-fluid dynamics is a complicated subject due to the existence of moving and deformable interface and its interactions with the two phases. In view of the practical importance of two-phase flow in various modern engineering technologies related to nuclear energy, chemical engineering processes and advanced heat transfer systems, significant efforts have been made in recent years to develop accurate general two-phase formulations, mechanistic models for interfacial transfer and interfacial structures, and computational methods to solve these predictive models. A strong emphasis has been put on the rational approach to the derivation of the two-phase flow formulations which represent the fundamental physical principles such as the conservations laws and constitutive modeling for various transfer mechanisms both in bulk fluids and at interface. Several models such as the local instant formulation based on the single-phase flow model with explicit treatment of interface and the macroscopic continuum formulations based on various averaging methods are presented and discussed. Especially the macroscopic formulations of the two-fluid model and drift-flux model, which are two of the most accurate and useful formulations for practical engineering problems, will presented and discussed in detail.
报告人简介:Hibiki Takashi is Professor of School of Nuclear Engineering,Purdue University, He is the Fellow of American Nuclear Society, Member of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Member of The Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow, Member of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Editorial Board of the Journal of Computational Multiphase Flow, Editorial Board of International Journal of Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid and Editorial Board of Nuclear Engineering and Technology. His research field includes Basic two-phase flow experiments and modeling, Interfacial area transport equation development,Thermal-hydraulic research at micro-gravity conditions, Critical heat flux and heat transfer in mini channels,LWR safety analysis and so on. He has developed more than 40 important constitutive equations and two-phase flow formulation to close two-phase flow equation systems and the internationally-recognized interfacial area transport equation has been implemented in ANSYS Fluent CFD code.
He is also the recipient of several honors and awards, including Award for Eminent Achievements in Nuclear Science and Technology in recognition of extensive and outstanding original research contributions to nuclear thermal-hydraulics, instrumentation methods and modeling of two-phase flow, Best Paper Award for JSME Best Paper Award for Study of unsteady gas-liquid two-phase flow induced force fluctuation. From now on, He has published more that 230 Journal papers and the total citation is more than 10,664.