应实验室白博峰副主任邀请美国加州大学圣塔芭拉分校机械与环境工程系Eckart H.Meiburg教授于7月25日到30日期间访问实验室,届时为师实验室师生做前沿学术报告,请实验室相关研究方向师生积极参加。
报告地点: 北二楼 二楼大厅 会议室
报告时间: 2019 年7月29 日(周一 )下午 15 :00
报告题目: Computational Computational Particle -Laden Flows
报告人: Eckart H.Meiburg教授
Prof. Eckart H. Meiburg
Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering
University of California,
Santa Barbara, United States
Professor Meiburg is the director of Center for Interdisc. Research in Fluids in UCSB and was the chair of Mechanical Engineering in UCSB form 7/03 to 6/07. Professor Meiburg's research interests lie in the general area of fluid dynamics and transport phenomena. He has been awarded Presidential Young Investigator Award (1990), Humboldt Senior Research Award (2005), Senior Gledden Fellowship in Institute of Advanced Studies in University of Western Australia (2008), Lorenz G. Straub Award Keynote Speaker in University of Minnesota (2012). He was elected fellow of American Physical Society in 2009 and fellow of ASME in 2013, He worked as a Shimizu Visiting Professor in Stanford University in 2016-17 and Ronald F. Probstein Lecture in MIT in 2018. In 2017-18, he was elected as the chair Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society.