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苏黎世联邦理工学院Noah Kittner博士讲座通知

2019年03月26日 17:57  点击:[]

       应实验室Lionel Vayssieres教授邀请,苏黎世联邦理工学院Noah Kittner博士访问实验室并举行学术讲座,请实验室师生积极参加学习交流。

       讲座时间:2019年4月1日 10:30am

       地点: 北二楼11楼会议室

       讲座人:Dr. Noah Kittner

       讲座题目:Analytic tools to improve energy systems, sustainability, and the environment


       摘要:Energy systems increasingly influence environmental change and global sustainability. My research focuses on modeling the rapid shift toward a clean energy system by developing new energy system data analytics, confronting questions related to the environmental and health impacts of energy systems, integrating techno-economic metrics to evaluate energy, climate, and water tradeoffs, and developing statistical learning to assess the future cost and performance of emerging technologies for a sustainable energy transition. In this talk, I introduce a set of life-cycle based analytic tools that range from sampling lignite coal for trace metals in Kosovo to examining the future cost of emerging battery storage technologies for grid-scale applications. I will present a techno-economic agenda for integrated energy and environmental systems and will highlight systems-level methods that address water, food, energy, waste, and air challenges related to sustainability.

       个人简介:Noah Kittner is a senior researcher in the Group for Sustainability and Technology at ETH Zürich. He earned his PhD in Energy and Resources from UC Berkeley where he studied energy systems engineering, environmental science, and policy. He was a Fulbright Fellow at the Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment in Bangkok, Thailand and has worked extensively on a Thai Solar PV Roadmap project with colleagues at Chulalongkorn University. He received his BS in Environmental Science with a dual minor in Mathematics and Urban Planning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has studied renewable energy and storage issues from a variety of contexts, including measuring land use change and biomass fuel use in Uganda, installing solar panels in Mexico, and electricity grid modeling in Kosovo.


上一条:西北工业大学Igor F. Perepichka教授讲座通知   下一条:中国工程院外籍院士、澳大利亚技术科学与工程院院士、澳大利亚科学院院士、澳大利亚莫纳什大学副校长余艾冰教授讲座通知



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