应实验室邀请,墨西哥Center of Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav)的Dena Pourjafari博士将于8月6日访问实验室并举行学术讲座,请实验室师生积极参加学习交流。
讲座人员:Dena Pourjafari博士
讲座题目:Third-generation solar cells: fundamentals and scale-up
摘要:Third generation solar cells such as dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are attractive alternatives to conventional commercial solar cells due to the low cost materials and manufacturing processes, however, they do not yet have the maturity level for commercialization and several challenges remain to be solved, for example, the relatively low efficiency and stability. In this work, the fundamental concepts related to these cells, the components that are used in the fabrication process, and the main processes that govern their functioning are presented. Different types of semiconductor, dye and electrolyte for DSSCs are reviewed and actual architectures for PSCs are discussed.Advanced electrochemical characterization techniques such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), intensity-modulated photovoltage spectroscopy (IMVS), and intensity-modulated photocurrent intensity (IMPS) are explained, and examples of their application to the study of the performance of DSSCs are provided. Other topics that will be addressed are the design optimization and aspects of solar cell scale-up, including challenges such as the synthesis of nanomaterials and paste preparation in large scale, the design and configuration of the mini-modules, the optimization of the active area and, the development of reproducible methods of sealing.
Personal Details
Name / Surname: Dena / Pourjafari Nokandeh
Date and place of Birth: 10 / April/ 1982 – Tehran, Iran
Gender: female
E-mail: dpourjafari@cinvestav.mx
Postdoc position – 2014 – Now
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico
Nacional- Mérida- México
Ph.D in Materials Science, Hybrid solar cells – 2011 – 2014
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico- (Conacyt scholarship program)
Master in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion- 2007 – 2009 Erasmus Mundus Scholarship program at:
Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Universidad de Cordobe, Cordoba, Spain
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
(Master thesis project in H2 storage in modified Metal Organic Frameworks
BSc in Chemical Engineering, Process Engineering Division- 2001 – 2006
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)
Some of Publications
D. Pourjafari, D. Reyes-Coronado, A. Vega-Poot, R. Escalante, D. Kirkconnell-
Reyes, R. García-Rodríguez, J. A. Anta, and G. Oskam. “Brookite-Based Dye-
Sensitized Solar Cells: Influence of Morphology and Surface Chemistry on Cell
Performance”.J. Phys. Chem. C. 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02384
W.Y. Padrón-Hernández, M.C. Ceballos-Chuc, D. Pourjafari, G. Oskam, J.C.
Tinoco, A.G. Martínez-López, Geonel Rodríguez-Gattorno. “Stable inks for inkjet
printing of TiO2 thin films”. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 81
(2018) 75-81
R. Escalante, D. Pourjafari,D. Reyes-Coronado, and G. Oskam.” Dye-sensitized
solar cell scale-up: Influence of substrate Resistance”, J. Renewable Sustainable
Energy 8, 023704 (2016)
K. A. Leyva-González, R. Deaquino-Lara, D. Pourjafari, R. Martínez-Sánchez,
M. A. L. Hernandez-Rodriguez , E. García-Sánchez.”Calorimetry study of the
precipitation in an Al7075-graphite composite fabricated by mechanical alloying
and hot extrusion”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. (2015) 121: 589-
D. Pourjafari, A. Vázquez, I. Gómez* “Template assisted synthesis of poly(3-
hexylthiophene) nanorods and nanotubes: growth mechanism and corresponding
band gap”. International Journal of Materials Research (2014) 106(4): 414-420
D. Pourjafari, A. Vázquez, I. Gómez.” Structural and optoelectrical comparison
between chemical and electrochemical synthesized poly (3-hexylthiophene)”. Soft
Materials (2014) 12: 380-386
D. Pourjafari, T. Serrano, A. Vázquez, T. Hernández, I. Gómez.” Conductive
polymeric matrix synthesized by chemical and electrochemical methods and the
effect of PbS/Cu2S nanoparticles added for solar absorbing applications”.
Chalcogenide Letters (2014) 11: 311-317
Interested and expert in
Solar cells fabrication specially dye-sensitized solar cells and perovskite
solar cells (triple stack) from the synthesis of the materials and pastes
prepration to the printing techniques, assembly and characterization of
Solar cells scale-up and fabrication of large-scale devices.
Advanced electrochemical characterization of photovoltaic devices such as
Awards and Honors
Graduation from PhD degree (UANL) with title of “SUMMA CUM LAUDE”
Scholarship, European Master Course Materials for Energy Storage and
Conversion "MESC" 2007-2009
The First Place between 27 teams in the First Chem-E-Car (Chemical Engineering
Car) Competition, 2004, Iran
Work Experiences
Work at “Pajoohesh Pooyan Mandegar” company (Design and fabrication of
laboratory equipment) - (2006 – 2007) - (2009 – 2011)