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澳大利亚Monash大学Zongyan Zhou教授讲座通知

2017年10月25日 08:41  点击:[]

       应实验室周强教授邀请,澳大利亚Monash大学Zongyan Zhou教授将于10月30号下午16:10 为实验室师生做学术报告,请实验室相关方向学生积极参加






       报告人澳大利亚Monash大学Zongyan Zhou教授


       报告题目:Granular Flow in Particulate Systems with Ellipsoidal Particles

Abstract:Particle shape is one of the most important properties of particles, and it affects the packing and flow structures that are critical to transport properties such as permeability related to pore connection and thermal conductivity related to particle connection. Particle shape can be regular or irregular. To be more quantitative, recent studies are focused on particles of well-defined shapes. In particular, ellipsoids have attracted a lot of attention in recent years as it can represent a large number of shapes, e.g. from platy to elongated. In this paper, we give a brief review of our research on ellipsoidal particles on the basis of discrete element method, and examine the effects of particle shapes in some typical particulate systems, including: (1) particle packing, focusing on how aspect ratio affects packing density and structure for coarse and fine ellipsoids; (2) granular flow in hopper and rotating drums, demonstrating the dependence of discharging rate of hopper flow on particle shapes, and flow regimes with particle shape varying; (3) sandpile formation, focusing on how aspect ratio affects the angle of repose, stress dip distribution and segregation; and (4) gas or liquid fluidization, illustrating how particle shape affects the bed permeability, orientation, and bed flow/force structures. The results show that discrete element method for ellipsoids provides a useful approach to investigate shape effect on the behavior of granular materials, and elucidate the further understanding of granular flow in particulate systems.

Zongyan Zhou教授简介:

Dr Zhou got his Bachelor (1996) and Master (2000) degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Northeastern University (China), and his PhD (2007) from the University of New South Wales (Australia). Currently, he is a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering in Monash University. His research expertise is in the mathematical modelling and simulation of particulate systems. He has made significant contributions in the following four research directions, including: theoretical developments of a combined approach of CFD-DEM, CFD-DEM based study on heat transfer fundamentals in particle-fluid flow systems; investigation of packing and flow behaviour of non-spherical particles by DEM; and model application to different processes. Dr Zhou has successfully won 7 ARC (Australian Research Council) grants, 4 industry sponsored projects, with a total fund more than $3M. He has published more than 100 journal/conference papers, in which 60 papers are collected by SCI. The total sum of citations is more than 1800 (SCI data), and the h-index is 16 (SCI).

上一条:美国通用汽车公司刘传李博士讲座通知   下一条:澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Yansong Shen教授的讲座通知



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