张亚培,男,1984年6月生,工学博士,西安交通大学副教授。2013年6月获西安交通大学核科学与技术学科博士学位。2011.9-2012.8赴德国卡尔斯鲁厄研究所交流学习,在欧盟严重事故研究项目负责及协调人ALEXI博士带领下开展严重事故条件下堆芯熔融池换热特性机理研究,参与了德国KIT三维LIVE实验研究及数值分析工作。主要研究方向为先进核反应堆严重事故机理及现象学、热工水力与安全分析、钠冷快堆热工水力等。主持国防973子项目1项:‘XXXXX条件下矩形通道内沸腾临界行为研究’、国家自然科学基金1项:‘池式钠冷快堆盒间流传热机理及其对余热排出能力影响研究’、国家重大专项课题1项:‘蒸汽发生器二次侧三维流场试验研究’、IAEA国际合作项目1项:‘Radioactive Release from the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor under Severe Accident Conditions’,同时还承担和参与了国家能源应用技术研究及工程示范项目、中科院战略先导专项、国防预研项目及科研院所横向课题等10余项。在核工程领域国际知名杂志《Progress in NUCLEAR ENERGY》、《NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN》、《ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY》、国际学术会议(ICONE, NURETH)及国内核心期刊上已发表学术论文50余篇,SCI收录30余篇,他引200余次。国际学术交流活跃,ICONE20-24论文评阅人,国际期刊《PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY》、《ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY》、《NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN》审稿人,同时还参与了“中欧严重事故机理与处置大型实验设备ALISA(Access to Large Infrastructures for Severe Accidents between China and Europe)”项目、西安交通大学-德国KIT(XJTU-KIT)双边合作及西安交通大学-法国EDF(XJTU-EDF)双边合作。获得了2015年陕西省优秀博士学位论文奖,获得教育部技术发明奖一等奖1项(第6完成人);出版教材1部(第六),严重事故专著1部(第三);获得软件著作权13项,申请及已授权发明专利10项。
(1)苏光辉,田文喜,张亚培,秋穗正,陈义学,季松涛,余红星. 《轻水堆核电厂严重事故机理现象学》,国防工业出版社,北京,ISSN:978-7-118-10467。
(2)秋穗正,苏光辉,田文喜,张大林,巫英伟,张亚培,陈荣华. 《先进核电厂结构与动力设备》,中国原子能出版社,北京,ISSN:978-7-5022-7061-2。
- Zhang Yapei, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui, Tian Wenxi. Analysis of safety margin of in-vessel retention for AP1000[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2010, 240: 2023-2033.
- Zhang Yapei, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui, Tian Wenxi. Analytical model for CHF in narrow gaps with surface orientation effects[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2011, 38: 989–994.
- Zhang Yapei, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui, Tian Wenxi. A simple novel analysis procedure for IVR calculation in core-molten severe accident[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2011, 241 (12): 4634-4642.
- Zhang Yapei, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui, Tian Wenxi. Design and transient analyses of emergency passive residual heat removal system of CPR1000. Part I: Air cooling condition[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2011, 53:471-479.
- Zhang Yapei, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui, Tian Wenxi. Design and transient analyses of emergency passive residual heat removal system of CPR1000[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2012, 242:247-256.
- Zhang Yapei, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng, Tian Wenxi, Gaus-Liu Xiaoyang, Kretzschmar Frank, Miassoedov Alexi. A simple novel and fast computational model for the LIVE-L4[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2013, 68: 20-30.(SCI: 218TT )
- Zhang Yapei, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng, Tian Wenxi, Gaus-Liu Xiaoyang, Kretzschmar Frank, Miassoedov Alexi. Numerical study on the heat transfer characteristics of LIVE-L4 melt pool with a partial solidification process[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 74: 213-221. (SCI: AI6VU )
- Y. P. Zhang, S. P. Niu, L. T. Zhang, S. Z. Qiu, G. H. Su, W. X. Tian. A Review on Analysis of LWR Severe Accident. ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci 1(4), 2015.
- Y.P. Zhang, L.T. Zhang, Y.K. Zhou, W.X. Tian, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su, B. Zhao, Y.D. Yuan, R.B. Ma. Natural convection heat transfer test for in-vessel retention at prototypic Rayleigh numbers - Results of COPRA experiments. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2016, Vol.86: 80–86. (SCI: CZ4ZM )
- Y.P. Zhang, L.T. Zhang, Y.K. Zhou, W.X. Tian, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su, B. Zhao, Y.D. Yuan, R.B. Ma. The COPRA experiments on the in-vessel melt pool behavior in the RPV lower head. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2016, Vol.89: 19–27. (SCI: DC8IO )
- Y.P. Zhang, W.X. Tian, S.Z. Qiu, G.H.Su. Study effects of the kinetics of local composition diffusion on the melt pool coolability by developing a DBL-LIVE model. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2016, Vol.90: 219–228. (SCI: DN1DR )
- Keyou Mao, Jun Wang, Longze Li, Yapei Zhang*, Wenxi Tian, Guanghui Su, Suizheng Qiu, Michael L. Corradini. Development of cladding oxidation analysis code [COAC] and application for early stage severe accident simulation of AP1000. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2015, 85: 352 - 365. (SCI: CU2JF )
- Yu Hongxing, Zhang Yapei, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng, Tian Wenxi. A theoretical CHF model for downward facing surfaces and gaps under saturated boiling[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2012, 45: 30-39.
- Wang Jun, Zhang Yapei, Mao Keyou, Tian Wenxi, Su Guhui, Qiu Suizheng. MELCOR Simulation of Core Thermal Response during a Station Blackout Initiated Severe Accident in China Pressurized Reactor (CPR1000) [J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 81: 6-15.
- Li longze, Zhang Yapei, Tian Wenxi, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng. MAAP5 simulation of the PWR severe accident induced by pressurizer safety valve stuck-open accident[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 77: 141-151.
- Wang Jun, Tian Wenxi, Zhang Yapei, Chen Lie, Li Longze, Zhang Luteng, Zhou Yukun, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng. The Development of Module In-vessel Degraded Severe Accident Analysis Code MIDAC and the Relevant Research for CPR1000 during the Station Blackout Scenario[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 76: 44-54.
- Zhang Luteng, Zhou Yukun, Zhang Yapei, Tian Wenxi, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui. Natural convection heat transfer in corium pools: A review work of experimental studies[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy,2015, 79: 167-181.
- Li Wei, Wu Xiaoli, Zhang Yapei, Ma Deyou, Chen Yongzheng, Tian Wenxi, Qiu Suizheng, Su Guanghui. Analysis of PWR RPV lower head SBLOCA scenarios with the failure of high-pressure injection system using MAAP5[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 77: 48-64.
- Wu Xiaoli, Li Wei, Zhang Yapei, Tian Wenxi, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng. Analysis of the loss of pool cooling accident in a PWR spent fuel pool with MAAP5[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014, 72: 198-213.
- Wu Xiaoli, Li Wei, Zhang Yapei, Tian Wenxi, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng. Analysis of accidental loss of pool coolant due to leakage in a PWR SFP[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014, 77: 65-73.
- Wang Jun, Tian Wenxi, Feng Kun, Yu Hongxing, Zhang Yapei, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng. Development of CHF Models for inner and outer RPV Gaps in a Meltdown Severe Accident[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 265: 1045-1056.
- Wang Jun, Corradini Michael, Fu Wen, Haskin Troy, Tian Wenxi, Zhang Yapei, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng. Comparison of CORA & MELCOR Core Degradation Simulation and THE MELCOR Oxidation Model[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014, 276: 191-201.
- Luteng Zhang, Yapei Zhang, Bo Zhao, Weimin Ma, Yukun Zhou, G.H. Su, Wenxi Tian, Suizheng Qiu. COPRA: A large scale experiment on natural convection heat transfer in corium pools with internal heating. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2016, Vol.86: 132-140. ( SCI: CZ4ZM)
- Luteng Zhang, Yapei Zhang, Yukun Zhou, G.H. Su, Wenxi Tian, Suizheng Qiu. COPRA experiments on natural convection heat transfer in a volumetrically heated slice pool with high Rayleigh numbers. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2016, Vol.87: 81-88. (SCI: DA3LE)
- Wu XL, Li W, Wang Y, Yapei Zhang, Wenxi Tian, GH Su, Suizheng Qiu, et al. Preliminary safety analysis of the PWR with accident-tolerant fuels during severe accident conditions[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015, 80: 1-13. (SCI: CE7SD).
- Liang Hu, Yapei Zhang, Longze Li, G.H. Su, Wenxi Tian, Suizheng Qiu. Investigation of severe accident scenario of PWR response to LOCA along with SBO. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2015, 83: 159-166. (SCI: CN5KN)
- S.P. Niu, Y.P. Zhang, W.X. Tian, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su. The code development and thermo-hydrodynamic analysis of the reflood during severe accident in PWR. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2017, 99: 9-18. (SCI: )
- Bo Lin, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su, W.X. Tian, Y.P. Zhang. Development and verification of molten corium concrete interaction code. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2015, 85: 701-706. (SCI: CU2JF)
- J. Wang, Y.Q. Fan, Y.P. Zhang, Xinghe Ni, Wenxi Tian, Michael L. Corradini, Guanghui Su, Suizheng Qiu. The Development of Candling Module Code in Module In-vessel Degraded Analysis Code MIDAC and the Relevant Calculation for CPR1000 during Large Break LOCA, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2016, Vol.2(2):Paper No: NERS-15-1009. (SCI: )
- J. Wang, M.L. Corradini, W. Fu, T. Haskin, Yapei Zhang, Wenxi Tian, GH Su, Suizheng Qiu. Simulation of the PHEBUS FPT-1 Experiment Using MELCOR and Exploration of the Primary Core Degradation Mechanism, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015, Vol.85: 193-204. (SCI: CR5VZ)
- J. Wang, M.L. Corradini, T. Haskin, Yapei Zhang, Qing Lu, Wenxi Tian, GH Su, Suizheng Qiu. Comparison of Hydrogen Generation Rate between CORA-13 Test and MELCOR Simulation: Clad Solid-Phase Oxidation Models using Self-Developed Code MYCOAC, Nuclear Technology, 2015, Vol.192(1): 25-34 (SCI: CT2FK)
- Tao Huang, W.X. Tian, Y.P. Zhang, G.H. Su, S.Z. Qiu, Xingtuan Yang,Huaqiang Yin. Development of DETAC and its application to the hydrogen detonation analysis. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2015, 85: 228-238. (SCI: CU2JF)
- Shasha Yin, Yapei Zhang, WenxiTian, SuizhengQiu, G.H. Su, XinliGao. Simulation of the small modular reactor severe accident scenario response to SBO using MELCOR code. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2016, 86:87-96. (SCI:CZ4ZM )
- Wei Li, Xiaoli Wu, Yapei Zhang, Deyou Ma, Yongzheng Chen, Wenxi Tian, Suizheng Qiu, Guanghui Su. Analysis of PWR RPV lower head SBLOCA scenarios with the failure of high-pressure injection system using MAAP5.Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 77: 48-64. (SCI: AS3W)